Monday, July 24, 2017

Who will protect you from your Enemies ?

Today I will be talking about what it is,how it is when you're sleeping with the Enemy or living with them on a daily basis.

Who is an enemy?
Those that follow 

It can cause confusion and severe damage of inexpressible words to humans who have to live with memories that cause pain for the rest of their lives.

 Well the way we may define enemy is possible it's not the way God works. 
We think that were always covered from the attacks from enemies but it's Not correct!

Jehovah protect against our Ultimate Enemy and not always the enemy we think. Your desires and plans doesn't decide.
He decides.....  
Above is Reference Page with powerful scripture for protection.

King James Bible study 
1 Peter 2-4
 Most of us tend to be eager to trust those who should not be trusted and find a way To justify and enjoy seeing the enslavement by evil doers.A mistake made by many who didn't put all trust in God.

 We all have struggled with the fleshed an being controlled by Satan which is chosen . Just remember all God offers within the protection of his arms from all those damning powers. 

 Nowadays people are not in tune with themselves to the just of our strong God who has protected since the beginning through the glory of his gift Jesus Christ.
"That INNER"

 Today and in the past people who follow and encouraged people to obey God's Commandments was,will be hated  because of his or her allegiance to God. He tell his followers not to fear and to walk humbly ministering his word.

 Jehovah also teaches to not fear the killers who threaten because they could only kill your body they cannot touch your soul. 

  1. Matthew 10 1-8
  2. Matthew 10:2
  3. Biblegateway

 The primary mission is Kingdom building and guiding his followers and those who was curious and or honest and revealing his true. 
 When you are a part of Jehovah's Kingdom building you may encounter a lot of mountains . WHEN ONE IS Been jailed and deprived and put last within this world .

People lives were taken and it may cost your life just know that Jehovah is okay with it! 

Give the glory to the Heavenly Father an his Family....

Secured in Christ FAMILY



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