Saturday, December 31, 2016

Every Body

People stop taking life for granted!!
When I look around all I see is life's and precious time being waisted. STAND

Don't take them for granted. No matter how much someone loves you, everyone has there limit of feeling unappreciated. -Charles J Orlando
Jayne Kennedy in 1978
First African American woman to host a network sports television broadcast for CBS  "The NFL Today", in 1970s , early 1980s.

It's like knowledge is lost in the people today an its oblivious that media is the reason , So Reclaim your power an knock them road blocks down . Keep longing for Knowledge because it is POWER.

Observe that history repeats however information is prohibited to be written in history books and taught in schools.
It's time to connect an exchange information  to put this puzzle back together.

Stephan James brings  Jesse Owens  'Quest for Olympics Gold To Life for 21st Century audiences
Ohio State track and field 

Did you know that after the Civil War  watermelon  was the first  product free to African Americans to sale to make money an farm . Everyone like  watermelon  no matter race however when you dive into history of the watermelon being stereotype you will see families survived by selling and farming melons. It became a symbol of freedom for the black community.

Everybody , Nobody, Somebody
Everybody was Nobody is Somebody
Today an Forever

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